2010年11月21日 星期日

Stress and Stress Management

We cannot avoid all stress during our life, work or personal relationship, some of them in high levels and some in low levels. However, stress is sometimes a good thing. It may be able to become a power to drive us forward. How can we relieve our stress when that happens? For some people, trying to relieve stress by relaxing through exercise, as like mountain climbing is very helpful. When a person wants to reduce stress by mountain climbing, he or she can follow a procedure of two main steps as follows.

First, finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it and where it is away from the crowd. A suitable location may be different for each person. Weather the elevation of mountain is 1000 meter or 4000 meter will depend on person’s physical strength. In addition, getting the mountain where away the crowds are also essential. For example, the place should be free from noise, and air should be fresh. It is very important because if the location that we chose over your energy that may become an obstacle. In other words, if we still stay in the city, we may not be able to truly relax.

Next, through the mountain climbing, it also has a passive attitude and a mental focus. In this step, during the mountain, we can be done through deep breathing; closing our eyes to listen the sounds of birds or insects. It will help us calm our spirit and recognize our mind. Besides, we can vent our emotion, such as shouting or crying to relieve our stress in there as well. This can help us express our feel and a good way to have something to think about.

All in all, people can find their own ways to cope with stressful situations that occur in their life, work or personal relationship. Some people find mountain climbing to relieve their stress. When you are “stressed out” and looking for a way to relax, try finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it, where it is away from the crowd, and venting your emotion as like shouting or crying. It might be useful to let you away the stress.

