2010年12月29日 星期三
A life Without Complaints
Learning a life without complaints is not easy. During our daily life, there are a lot of challenges and difficult issue that we need to face. Most of the time, we choose to complain about problems that we faced instead of finding correct ways to solve them. For examples, I used to complain all the time about my job. Why I always get heavy workload than others co-worker? Then I realize that during my work, it is not only can touch with different countries customers, but also can learn the selling skills from the sales for me. Now, I am happy to accept the heavy workload that I have, and also expect the new dare every day. Changing a positive idea and reducing the complaints to face the problem that you have, you will find that every day is a bright day of your life!
Sweet Burden
According to the report, nearly 46 percent of Taiwan’s office workers are tenants. Some rent because they cannot afford to buy of the high loan rate, some because they are economic migrants, and others because of unstable incomes. I really desire to have my own house in someday. However, for my incomes now, I don’t have any ideas when can I deposit the down payment to purchase my own house? Maybe after five or ten years, but it doesn’t matter. The most important that I know what I want and what I strive for. It will be my sweet burden of my life.
My Pet Peeve
Pet peeves are things that especially annoy some people but may not be bothersome to others. For instance, some people get very angry when the person use or borrow their goods without their permission. For my part, I cannot bear when people discussing the story or answering their cell phone during movies. It is very impolite attitude to others. Although there are rules that all cell phone must be turned off or switched to vibrate mode before the movie starts of the movie theater. Some people still not pay attention to this rule. This behavior particularly angers me because these people are very selfish also disrespectful to the other viewers who have paid money to watch the movie.
How to Lose Weight

How to lose weight? It’s not an easy course. We can do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills …and etc. Only make small changes each and every day and you'll slowly lose those extra kilograms.
Firstly, calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day.
Secondly, calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing …etc. throughout the day.
Thirdly Track of how many calories you eat. You can write down what you eat and drink each day.
Lastly, add it up. Take your BMR number, add your activity calories and then deduct your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than you're burning, you'll gain weight. If you're burning more than you eat, you'll lose weight.
However, in my opinion, I think only keep to do exercise every day is the best way to lose weight. Of course, the balance diet is also important to keep your shape.
2010年12月28日 星期二

Nowadays, writing by e-mail to communicate with other people almost instead of writing by letter. It is estimated that almost all Internet users have one or two email accounts at least being maintained and regularly visited. Moreover, almost all types of both formal and informal communications are now conveyed through email services. Communicating thru the e-mail are more efficiency and convenience than writing the letter. Email is a standard tool used in businesses around the world for rapid communication. Thru the email, people can get your message right away, no matter how far of the distance. It can be seen in small and large organizations. It’s one of the best communication ways for business.
2010年12月27日 星期一
Unforgettable Time
I cannot forget the first time that I made the presentation of my Tourist English Class at LUH. It’s so embarrassed time to me. I remembered that when I made the presentation to all my classmates, my voice, hands, legs and body are shacking. I tried to take easy and breathe deeply; however, I still couldn’t overcome my fear in my mind. I really didn’t know what I was talking on that time. The only idea in my brain that I must finish my report quickly, and then come back to my seat. It’s the unforgettable time that I had of my first presentation.
Eating at Home
I prefer eating at home than outside. There are three reasons that why I like to eat at home as follows:
1. Healthy Lifestyle – It’s not only can save money, but also can keep our healthy. Cooking at home is much healthier than dining out. However, some restaurants now offer healthy choices, but most of them still provide more calories and fat than food you have prepared at home.
2. Family Time – I can chat with my family to talk about my day and share my happiness or indignation with them heartily. If I always eating out, I will lose that quality time to communicate with my family. Eating at home gives me a chance to connect and talk about my day with my parents.
3. Save Money – Cooking at home is much cheaper than dining out. You can save NT$1,000 at least a week by choosing to cook and eat at home.
Above are the reasons that why I prefer eating at home than dining out. But sometimes I still have gone out for a nice relaxing meal with my family that we don’t want to cook.
1. Healthy Lifestyle – It’s not only can save money, but also can keep our healthy. Cooking at home is much healthier than dining out. However, some restaurants now offer healthy choices, but most of them still provide more calories and fat than food you have prepared at home.
2. Family Time – I can chat with my family to talk about my day and share my happiness or indignation with them heartily. If I always eating out, I will lose that quality time to communicate with my family. Eating at home gives me a chance to connect and talk about my day with my parents.
3. Save Money – Cooking at home is much cheaper than dining out. You can save NT$1,000 at least a week by choosing to cook and eat at home.
Above are the reasons that why I prefer eating at home than dining out. But sometimes I still have gone out for a nice relaxing meal with my family that we don’t want to cook.
2010年12月26日 星期日
How to Say "NO"
Say “NO” to people is an important class of talking. The best way to say “NO” is to offer a reason or an excuse that why you cannot do something. If someone invites you to have a dinner which you don’t like to go, you can say “I have already had an appointment on that date”, and decline the invitation. Or if someone asks you to help him or her to do something, but you can’t, you can say “I’m sorry. I can't do this right now.” Just use a sympathetic, but firm tone. You can tell them why, reply that it doesn’t fit with your schedule, and could they changes the subject. Most people will accept this as an answer. Anyway, if you want to say “NO” to somebody, try to courtesy; otherwise, others may be annoyed.
When I Get Sick
When I get sick, I usually do not go to see a doctor right away. Drink much water than before, and then I think my body will recover by itself after few days. If not, sometimes, I will buy medicines for my sickness from a drugstore. I think it is cheaper than go to the clinic. However, it is also a risk to buy medicine from there, if the pharmacist takes the wrong medicine, the sickness will become worse. Therefore, I think if when I get sick, I want to get well soon the only way is going to see a doctor immediately even if it is a little more expensive.
Eat, Pray, Love

I saw a movie of “Eat, Pray Love” in Oct. The movie is based on the best-selling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert. The story gives us the change to find ourselves just as Gilbert does. She has everything a modern woman would ever dream of by the age of 32, Elizabeth Gilbert, who is played by Julia Roberts, has a beautiful home, a loving husband, and a successful career as a writer. Even so, she feels lost and out of balance. Gilbert decides to divorce with her husband and find what is missing in her life. The answer is to risk everything and travel for a year through Italy, India and Bali. Gilbert spends the first four months in Italy. In Italy, she gets conform through delicious food. After that, Gilbert gets in touch with her spirituality and realizes the power of prayer during her time in India. Finally and unexpectedly, Gilbert finds her Mr. Right in Bali. After seeing this movie, I admire the courage of Gilbert that she can give up everything she had and from scratch. Lucky, she found her love in Bali Island.
2010年12月21日 星期二
Culture Difference
Today, I am chatting with India customer at the conference room. He asked me, “Are you married”? I said, “No”! Normally, most of people will stop asking the question when someone says he or she is not marry. However, he continuing asked me “Do you have a child”? I said, “Of course not”! Finally, he stops asking.
It’s not the first time that I met same questions. I just so confused that when someone replied he or she is not marry, we will not ask them the following question, just like “Do you have a child”? I think this is also a kind of culture difference. In my opinion, since you are not marrying, why don’t you have a child? But for the western, they don’t think so. They think even you are not married, you probably also have a child, so that they will ask you that question.
When I heard this question at first time, I am so shocked that I already told you “No”, why you still ask me “Do you have a child”? Now, I have already get used it when I heard it.
It’s not the first time that I met same questions. I just so confused that when someone replied he or she is not marry, we will not ask them the following question, just like “Do you have a child”? I think this is also a kind of culture difference. In my opinion, since you are not marrying, why don’t you have a child? But for the western, they don’t think so. They think even you are not married, you probably also have a child, so that they will ask you that question.
When I heard this question at first time, I am so shocked that I already told you “No”, why you still ask me “Do you have a child”? Now, I have already get used it when I heard it.
2010年12月11日 星期六
Fulong Beach

Fulong Beach is on the North East Coast of Taiwan. It is the most popular beach and also one of the best places to go. Fulong Beach faces the Pacific Ocean and has special golden sand. It has a long sandy beach and clear waters suitable for sailing, windsurfing, surfing and other sports. In recent years, the town of Fulong has seen some beautiful buildings. And the beach area is getting new wooden boardwalks, pavilions, treed parks and open-air restaurants. Those constructs are the good policies of the government which they want to attract more foreign tourists to visit Fulong and also increase the benefits of economy for the residents at local.
Bungy Jumping

The history of bungy jumping comes from a Pentecost island which located at northern of Australia. It is a kind of ceremony that cerebrate the man to be an adult and also prove how brave you are. When you pass this trial, you are a real man from that date. Now, a bungy jumping is an activity in which a person jumps off from a high place. Recently, there is a very popular locate to play the game of bungry jumping is Macau Tower. The height of Macau Tower is 266m. You must need a lot of courage to overcome the fear and jump out from the top. It’s really a very exciting activity. If I have a change to go there, I will try it.
Studying New Vocabulary
In this semester, I studied a lesson of Journal English. I got a lot of pressure of this lesson. Every week, we must recite 30 vocabularies at least, and have a test before the teacher start to the class. I didn’t know how to use most of the vocabulary which I read, so that the only ways for me just study them again and again. However, after the exam, I forget any vocabulary that I read. I think I must find out another ways to study and improve my vocabulary ability, as like write down the sentence of the vocabulary. Once I know how to use the vocabulary into the sentence, and then this word will be kept in my mind. Otherwise, if I study the new vocabulary only for the exam, it doesn’t any help for me to improve English. I think this is the better way for me to study it.
2010年12月10日 星期五
A Trade Fair
A trade fair is an exhibition organized so that companies is a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. There are a lot of advantages of trade fair:
1. Find out new customers.
2. Face to face contacts with customers.
3. Demonstrate new products.
4. Find out new competition and get new ideas.
After a trade fair, it’s also important to contact with customers, how should we do?
1. Make a phone call, letter or e-mail.
2. Send quotation or samples.
3. Personally visiting.
1. Find out new customers.
2. Face to face contacts with customers.
3. Demonstrate new products.
4. Find out new competition and get new ideas.
After a trade fair, it’s also important to contact with customers, how should we do?
1. Make a phone call, letter or e-mail.
2. Send quotation or samples.
3. Personally visiting.
2010年12月9日 星期四
The Art of Talking
The art of talking is a very important lesson. I think everyone should learn how to communicate with others, no matter you is a president or a staff. I got a serious blame from my boss last month. He shouted me at the office loudly. I tried to let him know all the details that I followed the instruction from ex-sales manager. However, he was very angry; he didn’t want to any explanation. He replied “If the sales manager asks you to suicide, you will do it”? I was so upset when I heard that, be a boss, why you told these kinds of words to your staff? I follow the wrong information and made a mistake, you also can’t talk those words to me. Even you was angry, you still couldn’t say those dirty words to me. It was not only let me embarrassed and disgraced, but also lose the respectful from the employees of you. So that before we talk to others, we must consider again in order to avoiding hurt anyone. It’s really a very important issue.
2010年11月29日 星期一
Solar Energy

Solar energy is very cost effective. The power of solar energy comes from the sun. The sun is free and inexhaustible. Besides, the solar energy is the positive effect of the environment. There is no noise, a little pollution, and no greenhouse gases. Although it cannot be utilized at night or on cloudy days, its availability may be during the daytime or sunny day. However, it is not only can help us to increase the value of our home and its resale price, but also spend less money on power bills, so that solar energy will most likely be more widely used in the near future than others energy sources.
2010年11月21日 星期日
Stress and Stress Management
We cannot avoid all stress during our life, work or personal relationship, some of them in high levels and some in low levels. However, stress is sometimes a good thing. It may be able to become a power to drive us forward. How can we relieve our stress when that happens? For some people, trying to relieve stress by relaxing through exercise, as like mountain climbing is very helpful. When a person wants to reduce stress by mountain climbing, he or she can follow a procedure of two main steps as follows.
First, finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it and where it is away from the crowd. A suitable location may be different for each person. Weather the elevation of mountain is 1000 meter or 4000 meter will depend on person’s physical strength. In addition, getting the mountain where away the crowds are also essential. For example, the place should be free from noise, and air should be fresh. It is very important because if the location that we chose over your energy that may become an obstacle. In other words, if we still stay in the city, we may not be able to truly relax.
Next, through the mountain climbing, it also has a passive attitude and a mental focus. In this step, during the mountain, we can be done through deep breathing; closing our eyes to listen the sounds of birds or insects. It will help us calm our spirit and recognize our mind. Besides, we can vent our emotion, such as shouting or crying to relieve our stress in there as well. This can help us express our feel and a good way to have something to think about.
All in all, people can find their own ways to cope with stressful situations that occur in their life, work or personal relationship. Some people find mountain climbing to relieve their stress. When you are “stressed out” and looking for a way to relax, try finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it, where it is away from the crowd, and venting your emotion as like shouting or crying. It might be useful to let you away the stress.
First, finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it and where it is away from the crowd. A suitable location may be different for each person. Weather the elevation of mountain is 1000 meter or 4000 meter will depend on person’s physical strength. In addition, getting the mountain where away the crowds are also essential. For example, the place should be free from noise, and air should be fresh. It is very important because if the location that we chose over your energy that may become an obstacle. In other words, if we still stay in the city, we may not be able to truly relax.
Next, through the mountain climbing, it also has a passive attitude and a mental focus. In this step, during the mountain, we can be done through deep breathing; closing our eyes to listen the sounds of birds or insects. It will help us calm our spirit and recognize our mind. Besides, we can vent our emotion, such as shouting or crying to relieve our stress in there as well. This can help us express our feel and a good way to have something to think about.
All in all, people can find their own ways to cope with stressful situations that occur in their life, work or personal relationship. Some people find mountain climbing to relieve their stress. When you are “stressed out” and looking for a way to relax, try finding a suitable location which our physical strength can afford it, where it is away from the crowd, and venting your emotion as like shouting or crying. It might be useful to let you away the stress.
2010年11月11日 星期四
Recently, I saw a lot of news which regarding the donation from the vet. Most of them who don’t have any relatives in Taiwan, they came to here with the army during the war. The vet probably can get N.T. ten thousand of old person annuities from the government per moment. They can liberal with their money of the life each month owing to they got this amount of money; however, most of them are still save money on food and expense. I heard one of vet said, “only N.T. three thousand is enough for me a month, I didn’t know how to spend my money, so that I donate most of my save to help people.” I am so appreciated of them which I saw these kinds news. Even only N.T. one hundred also can help a person; do not be stringy to help anyone who needs your help.
2010年11月10日 星期三
An Important Decision I Had to Make
Only graduated from famous universities can get the good job? In the past, most of parents thought that studying hard and got good grades were the ways to find a better occupation than others. However, they probably did not know their child was good at studying or not, including mine.
After I graduated from junior high school, my parents hope me to enter senior high school to study, then entered to college and passed the exam to be a government worker, finally. They wanted me to obey their rules and followed it step by step. But, I knew myself very well which I preferred to English than others subjects, so that I already decided to study at vocational school and chose English as my major. I tried to persuade my parents to agree my decision to study at vocational school instead of senior high school; unfortunately, they totally cannot accept my concepts in the beginning. They still insisted that I should be the government worker; due to it was the best job which I can get the best salary they thought.
I collected a lot of information and explained to them why I would like to decide to study English as my major. And also listed the examples, as my cousin that she has graduated from collogue; however, she found that the major of accounting was not her interesting. She wanted to be a tour guide and studied English again in order to improve it. Why should I want to waste my time to study the subject which I was not interesting in? Fortunately, after arguing and long times discussing, my parents agreed my decision lastly.
I want to thanks my parents that they respected the decision I’ve made. Although, during the process of my studying was not rugged and untoward, I still instead endured gladly, and diligently strove for upwardly. Owing to I believed that “Opportunity comes often to the man who is ready for it.” I neither was a government worker nor graduated from famous colleges that my parents expected; nevertheless, I still got the good job what I wanted to do. The most important that I knew what I wanted and did the right decision on that time, as well.
After I graduated from junior high school, my parents hope me to enter senior high school to study, then entered to college and passed the exam to be a government worker, finally. They wanted me to obey their rules and followed it step by step. But, I knew myself very well which I preferred to English than others subjects, so that I already decided to study at vocational school and chose English as my major. I tried to persuade my parents to agree my decision to study at vocational school instead of senior high school; unfortunately, they totally cannot accept my concepts in the beginning. They still insisted that I should be the government worker; due to it was the best job which I can get the best salary they thought.
I collected a lot of information and explained to them why I would like to decide to study English as my major. And also listed the examples, as my cousin that she has graduated from collogue; however, she found that the major of accounting was not her interesting. She wanted to be a tour guide and studied English again in order to improve it. Why should I want to waste my time to study the subject which I was not interesting in? Fortunately, after arguing and long times discussing, my parents agreed my decision lastly.
I want to thanks my parents that they respected the decision I’ve made. Although, during the process of my studying was not rugged and untoward, I still instead endured gladly, and diligently strove for upwardly. Owing to I believed that “Opportunity comes often to the man who is ready for it.” I neither was a government worker nor graduated from famous colleges that my parents expected; nevertheless, I still got the good job what I wanted to do. The most important that I knew what I wanted and did the right decision on that time, as well.
2010年10月10日 星期日
Playing Puzzles

I love to play puzzles during my free time. Playing puzzles not only can tax my patience, but also can concentrate my attention at one thing. I ever spent more than two weeks to complete a puzzle with hundreds of pieces. Sometimes I forgot time or food in order to completing the puzzles soon. After finished it, I had wonderful fulfillment. I had quiet confident that I could challenge more quantities next time. Recently, I got fascinated by 3 dimension puzzles. Although, the price of 3 dimension puzzles is much higher than traditional puzzles. I still prefer it than traditional one. The reasons are, when I want to play 3 dimension puzzles, it’s unnecessary to take a lot of spaces to play it as like traditional puzzles. In addition, when I finished it, I can demonstrate it as an ornament directly; it’s no need to take the frame to show others. Playing puzzles is really an interesting game.
2010年9月9日 星期四
Father's Day
On Father’s Day, I want to give a surprise to my Dad, so that I rode my motorcycle by myself back to my hometown. My Dad & Mom went back to there every weekend. Since I studied on the weekend, I nearly not go there. I usually take public transportation to my hometown before. It’s the first time that I rode my motorcycle back to there. It’s located at Long Tan, Tau Yuan. I spent around one and half hours to home. I felt very tired when I arrived. Mom told me that she could not recognize me when she saw me at first sight, after ten seconds, she was surprised that why I rode my motorcycle back to there. Although I didn’t send the expensive present to my Dad, only eat lunch with him. However, I can feel that he was very happy on that date. I am much appreciated what I have right now. I cherish each minute per second to gather with my parents.
2010年9月8日 星期三
As a saying goes, gambling with little amount is enjoyable but with huge amount harmful. Somebody keeps thinking that fortune will come one day, and therefore gambles day in, day out. With a cycle of borrowing money and using all on gambling, many people go bankrupt and their family breaks up. Conversely, these all are the main source for casino to boost their prosperity. We think that casino is the place we can go visiting during our travel but it is not a place where we can waste our time and money in exchange of only regrets. All in all, we do not approve of the act of awaiting good luck to come, whose probability is so slim. It is after all better for people to live their lives in a more practical way!
2010年9月5日 星期日

A book of “VERY OFFICE” is a comedy which is written by a famous TV programs manufacturer. The author uses the style of banter to talk about the office’s people and things, especially the relationship between employer and employee. As like how the employer supervises his employee during they are working, or the different of employee to get along with their co-worker and family. Above all, this book regarding the office’s fierce struggle between employer and employee has in deed unveiled a lot of person’s hearty feeling. It is an interesting book which can make you happy when your mood is down.
Baby Sister
A baby sister is a person who take care a baby for the parents. Most of us are growing in dual-earner couples. When we are a baby, our parents cannot take care of us on a daytime, so that they will send us to a nursery school or to the baby sister who can help them to look after a child. As the baby sister is not only have the professional trains, but also have more patience than others. According to the sound of baby crying, they can recognize he or she is hungry or wet diaper…and etc. Before we send our baby to the baby sister, we must know something about the baby sister, as like she has a license or not, the environment of her horse. Attention to all the details in order to avoid any harming of your child.
All-You-Can Eat Buffet

A buffet is a system of serving meals in which food is placed in a public area where the diners generally serve themselves. Now, there are a lot of buffet restaurants which all-you-can-eat buffet. We pay a fixed fee and then we can eat as much food as we wish to eat in a single meal. For me, I don’t like to go to this kind of restaurant; even I can eat anything you want. I am a picky eater and my appetite just likes a bird, besides, I like to eat dessert or drinks than the meat or vegetable. So that it’s not worth to me to go to all-you can eat buffet. We spend the same cost, but the food what I eat not only a few but also not so expensive. Although, we can eat as much food as we wish to eat, don’t forget that the best habit of eat is eat 80% full not 100% full. It is good for our healthy.
Saving Money
“A penny saved is a penny earned.” Parents are also saying, “Money does not grow on trees.” Both of these phrases tell us that saying money is important. But how can we save money? Here are some tips.
1. Bookkeeping. List all the details that you bought, and then you could know how much that you spend on each category. Then, you could review how to control and reduce your desire in order to save more money next month.
2. Drink more water instead of the bottle of juice or tea. Water costs less than other drinks and it is healthier for you, too.
3. Unplug the television, computer and other electronics when you are not using them.
If wan can saved most of money that we earned, our dreams will come true soon.
1. Bookkeeping. List all the details that you bought, and then you could know how much that you spend on each category. Then, you could review how to control and reduce your desire in order to save more money next month.
2. Drink more water instead of the bottle of juice or tea. Water costs less than other drinks and it is healthier for you, too.
3. Unplug the television, computer and other electronics when you are not using them.
If wan can saved most of money that we earned, our dreams will come true soon.
2010年9月2日 星期四
Shopping Online
Do you shop online? Now, more and more people are shopping online instead of go out for shopping. We can buy almost everything you want or you need on the internet. But there are some risks when we shop online. There are thieves on the internet. We must protect our personal identify No. and credit card No. in order to avoid they are stealing. Some websites can keep your personal information safe, but some websites do not protect you. Here are some ways to help you to stay safe online:
1. Do not buy things from unfamiliar websites. But them from websites which you can trust. There are usually the well-known websites.
2. Do not leave real information online.
1. Do not buy things from unfamiliar websites. But them from websites which you can trust. There are usually the well-known websites.
2. Do not leave real information online.
2010年8月29日 星期日
Great Food in Tainan

Have you ever been to Tainan? Tainan has great seafood. In there, you can eat shrimp rolls. Shrimp rolls are one of the most popular snacks in Tainan. They are made with fresh shrimp, green onions, pork and fish. These things are rolled in the lining of pig’s stomach. Then the roll is covered with flour and spices and fried until it is golden and crispy. It is very good with different kinds of sauces. After eating shrimp roods, you could eat some dessert. Bean jelly is a traditional dessert in Tainan. It’s made of soybeans and sweet potato powder. It’s good with different toppings on it like green beans or red beans. They are all very delicious. You have to try them when you visit to Tainan.
Green Tea

Most people understand that Green Tea, and green tea supplements are good for us – but why it is good for us, and you probably won’t have an answer. Indeed, it has long been general knowledge that green tea provides support to the human body – and this is backed up scientifically. There are numerous benefits which can be had from the consumption (regular consumption) of the substance. Currently, scientific testing has revealed the following:
- reduction in heart disease.
- reduction in bad cholesterol.
- increase in metabolic rate / fat oxidization.
- prevention of the death of brain cells – meaning less chance of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases.
- lower incidence of cancers.
- helps in weight loss.
In the view of above, you can know that the benefits of green tea in a human body are so remarkable that it is believed that the key to a longer and healthier life may just be brewing in your cup!

I bought a notebook last month. There are a lot of advantages of the notebook. I don't have to worry about the wired connections, hardware and spaces to place it like the desktop computer. Also when the choice of working either at home or office comes, the notebook comes in handy, since I can carry it anywhere. At any critical moment, the notebook can do the tasks, and that can be possible even if I am not at the office. Compared it to the desktop computer that desktop computer cannot provide me with all the facilities that are mentioned. I realize a notebook to be a wise choice of mine.
2010年8月24日 星期二
Asking someone “Have you eaten?” is a traditional Chinese greeting. In Greece, you slap another person’s back as a greeting. It’s more common than shaking hands. Before we are traveling in other countries, learning the rules for saying hello is important. Greeting can be different in different countries. In most of countries, people shake hands when they meet. In some places, people kiss a person’s cheek or both cheeks. In other places, people greet with three kisses! In Japan, people bow or nod to another person. Different phrases for greeting include, “I’m happy,” “I see you” and “Love is with you.” Before we travel, learn how to greet others. The right greeting can make our trip even better.
2010年7月31日 星期六
Advantages of Bookkeeping

A savings account comes with many advantages and benefits. As like you can control your expenditure, your desire and list the budget & save money. Bookkeeping is just like self-medical check-ups, in fact, you do not have to rely on the financial expert, as long as the way through the book, you can understand your financial situation. Let us start by control your expenditure, you can know the money flow that how much you spend of eating, consume or entertainment…and so on. Besides, through the bookkeeping, you also can know the percentage of expenditure category. Second, it’s can control your desire. When you go shipping, if you would like to buy something, you can think that if I can do it by myself, it’s not only can save my cost, but also can get a lot happiness from it. In addition, you can reduce the amount of credit card, so that you could not afford the luxury goods which you would like to purchase. Lastly, bookkeeping can make your dreams come true, as well. At the begging, maybe you don’t know how much you save. But after two or three years, you will find that there is lot money in your account which you never have before. And then you can do what you like to do.
2010年6月27日 星期日
Keep Good Health
In order to keep good health, we have to pay attention to our eating and drinking. When we eat or drink something, we have to see whether it is clear or not. Eating unclean food may cause us to become ill. Don’t smoke and don’t drink too much. In addition, it is better to eat nutritious food, which can provide us more energy. Moreover, we had better be temperate in eating. Overeating does us harm instead of good. Last, pay more attention to how you feel rather than how you look. If you feel fit and healthy, you're on the right track
On Time

Nowadays, time is more important than ever. Everyone has his own tight schedule, so if you are late for appointment, you will bring a lot of trouble to others. However, if we cannot go the date or cannot go on time, we must inform others in advance. Being late or fail to an appointment will inconvenience others and is very impolite. Therefore, go to the appointment on time is a modern courtesy.
Said is Much Easier Than Down
Everyone has their own dreams. In fact, there are just few people who really receive their goals. As an old saying goes, "Said is much easier than done!". Sometimes, we tend to overrate ourselves and set up a too ambitious plan for ourselves. So, when we promise others, we had better have real understanding of our abilities and then act within the limit of our abilities. In my opinion, it is blight which causes you fail if you are just say it. Once you start doing what you want to do, you will succeed someday.
Public Transportation
Everybody knows that Taipei is a big city. There are lots of people and cars with buildings around the city. When it comes to communications, public transportation in Taipei is very prosperous. Those public transportations connect different communities into a big community like combining Taipei City, Taipei County, or others county to a big Taipei Area. What public transportations we can take on anywhere in Taipei are as follows. First is taxi, when walking on the street, you can see taxi frequently. Also we can call out the taxi to where you are to pick us up. However, it is the most expensive public transportation in Taipei. Second is bus, which in Taipei is convenient. Taipei’s buses are the most convenient and most numerous. Last is Taipei Mass Rapid Transit. MRT system is faster than taxi and buses, and it can load more people once. To sum up, take by public transportations is not only can save our money, but also can protect our environment to reduce the air pollution problems.
My Favorite Fruit

Since Taiwan is in the semi-tropical zone, it produces a variety of fruits, as like bananas, guavas, pears, watermelons, and apples. One of my favorite fruit is watermelon. It is green on the outside. The edible part is inside the watermelon and has a red pinkish color. Watermelon comes in many forms. You can buy seedless, baby, and regular watermelons at your local market. The watermelon is good in summer, especially iced. It is sweet and juicy, so it is very helpful to conquer the thirst. Besides, it is inexpensive, so that watermelon is one of my favorite fruit.
Instand Noodles

Instant noodles are dried or precooked noodles fused with oil, and often sold with a packet of flavoring. It’s very easy to cook, dried noodles are usually eaten after being cooked or soaked in boiling water for 2 to 5 minutes, while precooked noodles can be reheated, or eaten straight from the packet. However, instant noodles are often criticized as being unhealthy or junk food. When you cook the instant noodles, you could add some other things, such as eggs, vegetables, or anything you want into your dish. That will make the instant noodles healthier. All in all, instant noodles have artificial preservatives. Eat less will be better. None the best.
2010年6月25日 星期五
Chinese New Year & Christmas
The time of Chinese New Year count by lunar calendar on Dec.30th. The period of Chinese New Year is a week to a month. The time of Christmas is on Dec.25th, the period of Christmas is at least a week. During the Chinese New Year, people will gather together and do a lot of activities, as like at the Chinese New Year Eve that will eat orange, fish, dumpling, bamboo…etc. which food are symbol wealth and prosperities of our life. Besides, we will pray our ancestors or go to temple to pray the gods on these period days. At the Christmas, people will eat turkey which stuffing gravy, mashed photos, sweat photos, and peas inside. And they will go to church to sing the hymn. All in all, there are a lot of different ways to celebrate Chinese New Year & Christmas between Eastern & Western.
Global Warming
What lifestyle changes could you make to reduce your own carbon footprint?
According to the reporting that now the temperature of all over the world is higher approximate 2 or 3 degrees during this hundred years than before. How should we do to reduce our own carbon footprint? I have divided it into 2 parts.
First- At the office: (a) Don’t print it in order to save your paper. Before you want to print it out, just think it again that do you really need those hard copies, or can save it on computer instead. (b) Double side print, it also can save your paper. (c) Send the message to customers thru e-mail or SMS instead of fax machine.
Second-At your life: (a) follow the three RS: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We’ve heard it before, it seems like something from a kid’s sing a song, but sometimes we lose sight of just now how much we buy. Try buying less, and reusing and fixing things when you can instead is as easy as rolling the trash bin to the curb. (b) Pay attention to packaging: try to choose the goods that keep packaging to a minimum and take reusable bags to the grocery stone. (c) Take MRT or bus instead of drive a car when you go out.
To sum up, it’s a very important lesson that how to reduce our own carbon footprint not only at the office, but also at our lifer. There’s a earth we have, we must protect it by ourselves.
According to the reporting that now the temperature of all over the world is higher approximate 2 or 3 degrees during this hundred years than before. How should we do to reduce our own carbon footprint? I have divided it into 2 parts.
First- At the office: (a) Don’t print it in order to save your paper. Before you want to print it out, just think it again that do you really need those hard copies, or can save it on computer instead. (b) Double side print, it also can save your paper. (c) Send the message to customers thru e-mail or SMS instead of fax machine.
Second-At your life: (a) follow the three RS: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We’ve heard it before, it seems like something from a kid’s sing a song, but sometimes we lose sight of just now how much we buy. Try buying less, and reusing and fixing things when you can instead is as easy as rolling the trash bin to the curb. (b) Pay attention to packaging: try to choose the goods that keep packaging to a minimum and take reusable bags to the grocery stone. (c) Take MRT or bus instead of drive a car when you go out.
To sum up, it’s a very important lesson that how to reduce our own carbon footprint not only at the office, but also at our lifer. There’s a earth we have, we must protect it by ourselves.
2010年6月20日 星期日
English Reading Class
During my English reading class, I learned a lot of reading strategies, as like using context clues, mind mapping, summarizing the gist…and so on. The most useful to me is using context clues which are words and phrases in a sentence that help me reason out of an unfamiliar word. Besides, I also obtain a lot from the cooperative learning during this class. I can bring up my ideas or questions directly with my group members, and then we can discuss and solve the problem together. However, the disadvantage of this cooperative learning is that most of members do not have enough time to gather to discussing. To sum up, I found that I have made great progress of my reading after learning reading strategy. It helps me to read in a very efficient way and to get the maximum benefic from the reading with minimum effort.
2010年6月19日 星期六
Stinky Tofu

Stinky Tofu, or Chou Dou Fu, is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odor. Its smell has been described as "baby poo," "hellacious" and "sharply foul". Stinky tofu is tofu that stinks and is a popular dish in Taiwan. It is made by marinating fresh tofu in brine produced by fermented ingredients, e.g., dried shrimp, Chinese herbs, or bamboo shoots. Stinky tofu is a very popular snack in East and Southeast Asia where it is easily found with no place to hide at night markets or roadside stands. Try it! You will never forget its special smell.
2010年6月18日 星期五
Morning People / Night People
Each person has his or her own circadian rhythm. Some individuals are morning people while others are night people. There are quite a few differences between morning people and night people. One difference is the sleeping time. Moring people follow the maxim of “early to bed, early to rise,” and turn in by 9:00 pm. Night people only get five or six hours of sleep a day. A second difference is the brains excitable time. Morning people's brains were most excitable at 9 a.m. This slowly decreased through the day. In contrast, for night people, whose brains were most excitable at 9 p.m. For example, morning people are ready to face the day while having a cup of coffee at the breakfast table. However, night people are often tired and cranky at the breakfast table, they feel that they function better at night and are often very productive during the evening hours. All in all, though there are differences between the morning people and the night people, we understand that sufficient sleep is very important no matter which kinds of people you are.
2010年6月9日 星期三
Tell the Truth
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything, says “Mark Twain”. Telling the truth is a very important trait, and we should teach our children to tell the truth all the time. They can avoid misunderstandings and complications later in life if they are taught that telling the truth is always the best way to deal with situations. Truth is a virtue. When people avoid being truthful, it can lead to numerous other lies and complication.
2010年5月9日 星期日
How to Live on a Tight Budget
Living on a tight budget is a difficult task. In these difficult economic times it is import to budget carefully and follow that budget. Here are some tips on how to survive on a tight budget. First of all, one of the best ways is paying by cash only. For instance, if we pay by credit card, we may forget what we have spent until get the debit cards. Paying by cash not only let us know what we are spending but also can restrain our desire to purchase luxury goods which we cannot afford it. In addition, eliminate or reduce unnecessary expenditures. If you really need a car or new clothes, you can spend less money for a used car instead of a new car. To sum up, living on a tight budget is very tough, so, it is necessary to plan expenditures carefully and keep to a budget even only a penny.
Qualities of Good Parents

Good parents must be sensitive to all their children’s needs. How to be good parents? There are three qualities that goods parents shall have. Firstly, the good habits, good habits are one of important features to the development of children’s daily life. Parents are the model of the children. If parents teach them good habits, children will develop them. For examples, if parents like reading or painting, and most of the children will do as their parents do. Secondly, the patience, the parents must have patience to their children. When the children were a baby, the only way to express their emotion is crying, the parents must find out and understand what they need. Lastly, the love, love is most important for the children. The children who grow with loving parents are happier than the children who grow with less compassion family. For instance, they will concern and care others people who need their help. To sum up, the qualities of good habits, patience and love are essentials for the goods parents.
2010年3月26日 星期五
A Sunny Day at the Beach
The beach is full of people on a sunny day. The weather is warm and pleasant, with small waves, clear water and a sunny, blue sky. People love to lie on the beach and look at the sky to enjoy their free time. Parents accompany children to do sand sculpture, and boys and girls are playing volleyball at the beach. The whole beach is full of former frivolity sound. However, people always leave a pile of garbage after they left. Hope everyone can pick the garbage up before they leave. Let's enjoy what a lovely sunny beach for a day off!
2010年1月1日 星期五
How to Make Friends

If we would like to get along well with others, in the first place, we must be sincere to show how we thirst to be a friend with them. Some people use flattery in order to pretend to be a friend, but finally this approach will be rejected. Second, we may give our friend a hand once they are in trouble, this way could prove our friendship. As a proverb goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” If we help our friends when they are in trouble, they will help us when we are in need of help, absolutely. At this world, nobody can live without friends, so making friends is an important skill that we have to learn.
On the Weekend
For my weekend before be a student at Lunghwa, I usually get up late because there is no work for me to be in time. In the morning, I usually ride a bike with my friends; ride a bike is not only enables to reduce my press of the work, but also to help my health. After riding a bike, I like to go out with them to see a movie and share the plots of the movie with them. Even sometimes we have different opinions of the movie, but there would not affect our friendship. In fact, weekend is the time for me to relax myself, so I also like to stay at home to listen to the music and read the novels. Nowadays, I go to school to study on the weekend, I also enjoy my life of a student, even though I don’t have much time to do things which I am interested.
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